If you had only 48 hours to save your business during an emergency, would you be prepared?
For many businesses and organizations, the answer is “No.”
I’ll be conducting an audience driven, highly interactive webinar with an expert panel of emergency management professionals (NYC OEM and others) using the backdrop of a mega- storm hitting the NYC area.
Don’t believe that it can happen here in NYC? See the following links; it has happened twice in the past couple of centuries and we are due for one soon. Oh, and we were reminded with the post Christmas snow storm on the need for preparedness; What would happen in a Hurricane or Nor’easter? Imagine 18-24 inches of rain and 50+PMH winds hitting NYC in a 24 hr. period?
And if that is not enough, we did have two tornados in the past 4 years that hit NYC proper (right in my neighborhood). We all need to get ready for all types of hazards on an individual household, company, and community level. Don’t have a “Go Bag” (or don’t know what one is)? Then find out and get prepared by visiting http://www.ready.gov/
Better yet, join us on Wed., Feb 2, 2011 12-1 PM EST by going to sps.cuny.edu/twodays