Books on Games, Virtual Worlds, Simulations, Cognitive Studies, and Performance Improvement

In the cue-

Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal


Neuromancer by William Gibson; an old science fiction/cyberpunk book, but where much of the thinking on VR/VWs got started. I guess Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson would come next.


The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education by Karl Kapp

Fun Inc.: Why Gaming Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century by Tom Chatfield

Infinite Reality by Jim Blascovich and Jeremy Bailenson
Note: great book. Well worth the read. Will post a blog once I digest my thoughts on this.

Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School by John Medina

The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande

Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration (Essential Knowledge Resource (Pfeiffer)) by Karl Kapp and Tony O’Driscoll

Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds: Strategies for Online Instruction (Jossey-Bass Guides to Online Teaching and Learning) by Clark Aldrich

Previous Posts

The Hurricane Irene simulation continues….

This past Sunday you receive a call from your elderly mother (87 years old) who lives in Far Rockaway- see -She normally has a home healthcare aid who checks in on her 3 times a week, but otherwise she is somewhat self sufficient. She is worried about the coming storm, but her neighbors, many of them immigrants who have never experienced a severe storm in NYC tell her that they plan to stay.

What do you tell her?

You and several of your staff receive notifications via NotifyNYC like the following:



SWN-Alert issued 10/4/11 at 8:00 AM. Mayor Lewis has activated the Coastal Storm Plan.
You are being notified as you may be asked to report to an Evacuation Center.
Please reply to this message if you are available. If you are available to report to an
Evacuation Center then reply with a 1. If you are not available, then reply with a 2.
Please refer to OEM's Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder at
You may also contact 311 to find out if you need to evacuate.
The sender provided the following contact information.
Sender's Name: Notify NYC
Sender's Email: [email protected]v
Sender's Contact Phone: 212-###-9175



Several  of your staff tell you they have plans this weekend. Others say they have kids at home that they need to take care of, and as single parents, they cannot leave them for long with other family members. You yourself have your own children at home, but your husband will be at home this weekend which will free you up if you are called upon.

What do you tell your staff?

Follow this simulation on Twitter at #irenesimulation or check back here later this week.

1 Response to “Get Ready for the Storm-Part II”

  1. 1 Duncan

    Brilliant post I found it very interesting, thanks.

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